Sunday 13 December 2015

The Red Road and The Black Road.

Our local corner shop is one of those little shops that has everything in it... that you forgot to get at the super-store. It's run by a young British couple with Indian/Asian ancestors, they're there before I leave at 6-40 am. They're still there, last thing at night.

A few weeks back, someone started ripping out the double shop unit next to them. Spending a lot of money, cash point, new windows, shutters, bright red paint... tacky blue neon signs; 'Richmond Supermarket'. Man... imagine that double whammy? Sometimes life seems to conspire against you... on purpose.

Anyway, I hadn't been in to the store for a while (my memory has been behaving itself). Yesterday, I went in there for some stuff. I have never seen someone look at me, so gratefully? He thanked me for my custom and apologised for keeping me waiting... as he rushed out back to fetch some more tobacco. For which, there was no need.

It's the little guys... that get my backing every time in this life. Because I am, and I make no bones about it, a little guy too. They say the average millionaire has been bust, an average of 3.5 times, because only when you know failure, are you truly qualified to win.

However, many big guys never learn this. Inherited wealth, Bank of Mom and Dad, luck... whatever. These guys are on the 'Black Road'... the easy way, pushing everyone else out of their way, laughing out loud, but blind to the fact, they are lost... and will ultimately, end up, in darkness.

We're all walking. Crossing the 'bridge of life' but, there are two roads you can take? The Red Road... and the Black Road. Life is not meant to be easy, because when it is, you learn nothing about your self... on the inside.

"If you walk the Red Road you know that every sorrow leads to a better understanding. Every horror cannot be explained but can offer growth. To Walk the Red Road is to look for beauty in all things. To Walk the Red Road is to know you will one day cross to the Spirit World and you will be not afraid."

You can read more about The Red Road and The Black Road here: Walking The Red Road